Past Conferences

Click the toggles to find the date, location and schedule of past NECLAS conferences
2023- Bridging Knowledges, Technologies, & Cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean
2022 - Living in Las Americas: Remembrance, Resilience, and Hope

NECLAS 2022 Annual Meeting

Living in Las Americas: Remembrance, Resilience, and Hope

Central Connecticut State University

Friday, November 4, 2022

4:00-5:00 PM Workshops:

1:  Getting Your First Tenure-Track Job 

     Blue & White Room, Student Center

2:   Finding Grants for Humanities Programs with NEH Regional Affiliates

      Emma Wiley, CT Humanities

      Clock Tower Room, Student Center

5:00-6:00 Worcester’s Latinx Community – Students of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute

 Philbrick Camp Room, Student Center

La Goyco Community Center

Nicholas Chantre & Christian Stilwagen


Help the Soup Kitchen “Go Green”: Creating Replacements for Single-Use Plastics

Lali Berelashivli


Fostering Community Through Alumni Outreach: Designing and Development of An Electronic Alumni Survey for the Latino Education Institute

Melanie Castillo, Nelson Pires, & Aiden Wech


La inmigracion a Argentina y como ha afectado al pais hoy

Ava Dickman


Understanding the True Gender Equity Gap for Voces Vitales Costa Rica

Emily Giancola & Gianna Viele


Monteverde Wholefoods Women’s Empowerment Model

Mackenzie Damon & Dayna Tang



Sophia Woodward


6:00 PM Executive Council Dinner Meeting

Welcoming Remarks:  Zulma R. Toro, Ph.D., President, Central Connecticut State University

Bellin Gallery, Student Center

Saturday, November 5, 2022


8:00-9:00 Breakfast and Registration, 

Alumni Hall, Student Center


9:00-10:40: Session One  

Panel 1.1: Equity and Inclusion Informed Education and Medicine 

Sprague/Carlton Room, Student Center


A Critical Review of Latine Educational Indicators in Massachusetts: A Call for Intercultural Integration

Melissa, Colón, Ph.D., Bunker Hill Community College 

Carmen Veloria, Ed.D., Central Connecticut State University 

Cinzia Pica-Smith, Ed.D., Assumption University  

Rina Contini, Ph.D., Università Chieti Pescara


Engaging Latinx Students through place-based and project-based curriculum

 José Feliciano, M.S., Be Intentive


Infusing Radical Healing in Diversity-Informed Training and Consultation for IECMH Providers Serving Latin Immigrant Families

Carmen Rosa Noroña, LCSW, MS. Ed., CEIS, IECMH-E®, Boston
Medical Center
Ivys Fernández-Pastrana, JD,  Boston Medical Center
Michelle Saulnier, MS, PhD Candidate, Erikson Institute
Sara Anderson, LCSW, Erikson Institute
Erika Flores, LCSW,  Erikson Institute
Elizabeth Raskin, MPHc, Boston University


Panel 1.2: Resisting and Enduring State Violence in Contemporary Chilean Poetry 

Philbrick/Camp Room, Student Center

Mapuche Feminist Ecologies and Ontologies of the Wind

Carolina A. Díaz, Ph.D. Wesleyan University


Testimony of the City: Elvira Hernández´s Santiago Waria

Alec Schumacher, Ph.D., Gonzaga University


Carlos Soto Román’s Ethics of Erasure as Poetic Resilience

Scott Weintraub, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire


Panel 1.3: Activism and Social Solidarity

Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett Hall, Room 123

Cuban Women’s Health Activism: Resilience, Continuity, and Change

Hope Bastian, Ph.D., Wheaton College


Displacement and Agency: Central American Activists, the Civil Wars of Guatemala and El Salvador, and the Sanctuary Movement in New England (c. 1980-c.1990)

Rady Roldán-Figueroa, Th.D., Boston University


Panel 1.4: Constructing Worldviews through Music, Dance and Theatre

Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett Hall, Room 125

¿A Dónde Nos Llevan? (2015), Documentary Comics and the Collapse of the Neoliberal Management of the Governmental Image

Daniel Chávez Landeros, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire


Intersections of Faith, Space, and Place: an Afro-Brazilian Drumming Mass in Connecticut

Eric A. Galm, Ph.D., Trinity College


In Extremis: Reflecting on today’s world with the theatre of Griselda Gambaro 

Maria Alessandra Woolson, Ph.D., University of Vermont


10:30-11:00:  Coffee 

Alumni Hall, Student Center 


11:00-12:40: Session Two

Panel 2.1: Identity Construction among Latino/a/x/e Communities in the United States     

Sprague/Carlton Room, Student Center

Are we Latinxs? Perspectives of Brazilian and Hispanic communities in the construction of Latinx Identity in the United States

Eliani Basile, Ph.D., Rhode Island College


Envidia: Beyond the Latina/o/x Crab Mentality

Juan Coronado, Ph.D., Central Connecticut State University & Rubén Martinez, Ph.D., Michigan State University


The Problem of Race in the Puerto Rican Decolonial Narrative

Charles R. Venator-Santiago, Ph.D., University of Connecticut


Panel 2.2: Intercultural and Intergenerational Dialogues in Latin American Literature

Philbrick/Camp Room, Student Center

Traducción, historia y filosofía en The Invention of America de Edmundo O’Gorman

Nayelli Castro, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Boston


Espacios lúdicos, infancia y resiliencia en la obra de Maria Fernanda Ampuero, Albertina Carri, Laura Alcoba y Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro.

Adriana Pitetta Dufour, Ph.D., Mount Holyoke College


Panel 2.3: Transpacific Studies in New England: Literary, Cultural and Historical Relations between Asia and Latin America: A Roundtable 

Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett Hall, Room 123


Chair: Koichi Hagimoto, Ph.D., Wellesley College



Sony Corañez Bolton, Ph.D., Amherst College 

Rosario Hubert, Ph.D., Trinity College 

Aarti Smith Madan, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Paula Park, Ph.D., Wesleyan University 


Panel 2.4: Cultural continuity and resistance

Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett Hall, Room 125


An Indigenous Kingdom: Indigenous Anticolonial Projects of the Comunero Revolt (1781)

Juan Sebastián Macías-Díaz, Ph.D., University of Connecticut


Continuity and change as forms of resistance: Current P’urhépecha Weddings Transformations

Mintzi Auanda Martínez-Rivera, Ph.D, Providence College


The Anti-Imperialist Resistance in the Post-Covid Era:The Spread of Black-Market Politics in Latin America

Patricia Olney, Ph.D., Southern Connecticut State University


12:30-2:15:  Lunch and Prize Awards – Alumni Hall, Student Center

Welcoming Remarks:  Robert Wolff, Ph.D.  Dean, Carol Ammon College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Central Connecticut State University

NECLAS President Danilo Contreras, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wellesley College 

Prize Ceremony


2:20-3:50: Session 3

Panel 3.1: Teaching Indigenous Culture in the Spanish Language Classroom: Building Intercultural Competence 

Sprague/Carlton Room, Student Center

Días de tianguis and paseos por el supermercado for Intercultural Learning
Alice Emery, M.S.,  Central Connecticut State University 

Teaching Inter cultural Competence in the ELE classroom
Rocío Fuentes, Ph.D., Central Connecticut State University

Teaching the History of Corn via Indigenous Mythology in Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica
Jessica Rutherford, Ph.D., Central Connecticut State University 


Panel 3.2: Catalysts for Change: Civil Society Post-Covid

Philbrick/Camp Room, Student Center

After the War, After the Pandemic: Instagram as a Visual Archive of Social Change

Andrew Bentley, Ph.D


COVID as a catalyst for change: spurring solidarity and sustainability in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Courtney Kurlanska, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Sarah Strauss, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Visual art of Peru: remembrance, resilience and hope during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Rosamaría León, Ph.D., Yale University


Communal Kitchens & Common Pots:Dormant Solidarity & Food Assistance in Times of Covid

Kristin Skrabut, Ph.D., Tufts University


Panel 3.3: Seeing Resistance through Microhistories

Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett Hall, Room 123

Remembering, Resisting, and Reimagining: The Latinx outdoor experience

Olivia M. Aguilar, Ph.D., Mount Holyoke College


Autobiografías clínicas desmarginalizadas por superhéroes del conurbano en el universo Kryptonita: historias de vidas que cuentan”

Carolina Añón Suárez, Ph.D., Fairfield University


Memoria, resistencia y esperanza: tres documentales uruguayos de la posdictadura

Elizabeth Rivero, Ph.D., United States Coast Guard Academy


Panel 3.4: Imagined Communities & National Building

Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett Hall, Room 125

Populist Rhetoric and Mobilization Strategies in Brazil:  A Comparative Discourse Analysis

Grant Burrier, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute


The Recent Evolution of Argentina’s Wine Exports Performance

Emiliano C. Villanueva, Ph.D., Eastern Connecticut State University


Unification through Division:Canal Dreams at the Dawn of the Central American Republic

Jessica Lepler, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire


Sherry Hour:  4:00-5:00

Beverages and Light Refreshments in the Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Center, Elihu Burritt Library, Suite 408  

2021 - Rebuilding Better Together

NECLAS 2021 Program

NECLAS 2021 Annual Meeting
Rebuilding Better Together
Saturday, October 30, 2021
College of the Holy Cross

8:00 – 9:30
Continental Breakfast

Hogan Center Ballroom

Session One: 9:30 – 11:00am

PANEL 1.1 Acercamientos pedagógicos al cine latinoamericano
Chair: Bridget Franco, College of the Holy Cross
Hogan Center 401
Discussant: Paul Schroeder Rodríguez Amherst College

  • Recursos digitales para enseñar el cine latinoamericano
    Bridget Franco, College of the Holy Cross
  • El videoensayo para enseñar y contribuir a las humanidades digitales
    Michelle Farrell, Fairfield University
  • ¡Vamos a hacer una peli! La creación de un cortometraje como proyecto final en un curso de cine
    Ana Almeyda-Cohen, Colby College

PANEL 1.2 Crisis, Populism, and Communication in the New Era

Hogan Center 402


PANEL 1.3 Narratives of Meaning, Ethics, and Justice

Chair: Scott Weintraub
Hogan Center 410

  • The Agency of Pain: The Possibilities for a Meaningful Life Amidst Dispossession
    Esteban Loustaunau, Assumption University and College of the Holy Cross
  • Envisioning Raúl Zurita’s INRI: “(NOT) Seeing the Other”
    Scott Weintraub, University of New Hampshire
  • The Wretched of Latin America: Rebuilding with Frantz Fanon in Latin American and Caribbean Studies
    Erica Durante, Brown University
  • Translation in the Discourse of Historical Bibliography
    Nayelli Castro, University of Massachusetts Boston

PANEL 1.4 Voces de Resistencia, Esperanza, y Placer
Chair: Lori Hopkins, University of New Hampshire
Hogan Center Suite A, 4th Floor

  • Frustraciones clericales y subversiones malecus en la semiosis finisecular costarricense del sXIX
    Veronica Rios Quesada, Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Generosity, Hope and the Spaces of Solidarity: Listening to Alternative Modalities from Latin America
    Lori Hopkins, University of New Hampshire
  • Helena Araujo y “Las Cuitas de Carlota”:¿O el placer de la Escritura?
    Gina Canepa, National Coalition of Independent Scholars

PANEL 1.5 Project-Based Learning at WPI: Student Projects on Latin America during 2020-21
Chairs: John Galante, Worcester Polytechnic Institute/ Courtney Kurlanska, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute
Hogan Center Suite B, 4th Floor

  • Team 1: (Cuenca 1): “Utilizing Technology to Promote Food Sovereignty in Cuenca, Ecuador”
    Tyler Looney, Allison Spratt, Eliza Smith, Alejandro Gerov Armas
  • Team 2 (Monteverde): “Developing a Virtual Tour for the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve”
    Saniya Syeda, Jules Cazaubiel, Andreas Akeson, and Evan Andrzejewski
  • Team 3 (Puerto Rico): “A Holistic Land Acquisition Process for the Expansion of El Yunque
    National Forest”
    Justin Riley, Sarah Piela, Calvin Thomas, Isabella Ferrari Carrubba
  • Team 4 (Cuenca 2): “Developing Strategies to Increase the Usage of Evidence-Based Practice in
    Cuenca, Ecuador”
    Silvana Reid, Margaret Richins, Alexandra Scarlati, and Jordan Wynn
  • Team 5 (Asunción): “Poverty Stoplight in Comisiones Vecinales”
    Maya Flores, Hannah Gelman, Dominick Gravante and Nichole Leveille
  • Team 6 (Panamá): “An Analysis of Centro de Acopio de Reciclables in Ciudad del Saber,
    John Hoang Do, Xavier Curney, Katherine Pawlak

PANEL 1.6 Teaching Indigenous History and Culture in the Spanish Language and
Chair: Julia A. Kushigian, Connecticut College
Culture Classroom – Hogan Center Suite C, 4th Floor

  • Alice Emery, Central Connecticut State University
  • Rocío Fuentes, Central Connecticut State University
  • Jessica Rutherford, Central Connecticut State University

11:00 – 11:30
Coffee Break

Session Two: 11:30 – 12:55pm

PANEL 2.1 Indigenous Advocacy and Identity

Chair: Julia A. Kushigian, Connecticut College
Hogan Center 401

  • “Decolonizing Indigenous Representations in Chilean Pre-Colonial Museum Art and Mapuche Poetry.”
    Julia A. Kushigian, Connecticut College
  • Indigeneity and Spirituality
    Aida Heredia, Connecticut College
  • Coffee, “La Cobanera” and Concubinage in Alta Verpaz, Guatemala: Re-writing the “legendary” German colonization of the Q’eqchi’ Maya homelands,”
    Abigail Adams, Central Connecticut State University

PANEL 2.2 The new worlds of extraction in Latin America: geopolitics, governance, and technocracy
Chairs: Pilar Delpino Marimón, Clark University and Gisselle Vila Benites, Clark University
Hogan Center 402

  • Calling infrastructures into being
    Pilar Delpino Marimón, Clark University
  • The criminalization of artisanal and small-scale mining in Colombia and Peru: stabilizing the fragile hegemony of large-scale mining
    Gisselle Vila Benites, Clark University
  • Isthmic Articulations: Or the imperial formations of tourism in Central America
    Maria Jose Guillén Araya, Clark University
  • More than human legalities: the resistance against CAFOs in Yucatan
    Karen Hudlet Vásquez, Clark University
  • Contested Landscapes, Disputed Realities: An Investigation of Socio-Environmental Conflict from Mining in Northern Ecuador
    Ian Hirons, Clark University


PANEL 2.3 Teaching Latin American Politics: challenges and opportunities in times of crisis
Chair: Maria Guadalupe Rodrigues, College of the Holy Cross
Hogan Center 410

  • Paul Posner, Clark University
  • Maria Guadalupe Rodrigues, Holy Cross
  • Danilo Contreras, Wellesley College

PANEL 2.4 Project-Based Learning at WPI: Faculty Advisor Roundtable
Chair: John Galante, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Hogan Center Suite A – 4th Floor

  • Aarti Madan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Courtney Kurlanska, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • John-Michael Davis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Aaron Sakulich, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Laureen Elgert, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

PANEL 2.5 Engaged Voices on Transit Through Panama, Central America and Mexico
Chairs: Erica Durante (Brown University) and Kristen Kolenz (Brown University)
Hogan Center Suite B – 4th Floor

  • Felipe Felix Mendez, Brown University
  • Shantal Hernandez, Brown University
  • Alejandra Ali Martinez, Brown University
  • Nell Salzman, Brown University

PANEL 2.6 Indigenous & Afro-descendant Representation in Contemporary Latin American Cinema

Chair: Bridget Franco, College of the Holy Cross
Hogan Center Suite C – 4th Floor

  • Quetzali Gómez ’23, College of the Holy Cross
  • Molly Kerrigan ’22, College of the Holy Cross
  • Erika Florez-Villamarin ’24, College of the Holy Cross

1:00 – 2:30pm
Lunch and Prize Ceremony
Hogan Center Ballroom

Session Three: 2:45 – 4:15

PANEL 3.1 Bolsonaro’s Brazil: Explaining the Present, Anticipating the Future
Chair: James Green, Brown University
Hogan Center 401

  • James Green, Brown University
  • Augusta Silveira de Oliveira, Brown University
  • Luiz Paulo Ferraz, Brown University
  • Marina Adams, Brown University

PANEL 3.2 Post-Pandemic: Environment, Economic, and Social Paths of
Chair: Danilo Contreras, Wellesley College
Rebuilding – Hogan Center 402

  • Epidemic in a Small Brazilian City: The Spanish Flu in 1918 Itabuna, Bahia.
    Mary Ann Mahoney, Central Connecticut State University
  • Post-COVID-19 Latin America: risks of a regressive economic recovery
    Enrique Prieto-Ríos and Juan Pablo Pontón Serra, Universidad del Rosario
  • COVID-19 and the future of coastal habitat sustainability in Latin American and Caribbean Countries
    Christopher LaMonica and Karina Mrakovcich, US Coast Guard Academy
  • Respond Crisis Translation: Providing Compassionate, Effective, and Trauma-informed Language Services to Migrants and Refugees during COVID-19
    Kate Goldman, Brown University/Respond Crisis Translation
  • Love (and Care) in the Time of COVID-19: A Health Humanities Approach
    Ana Ugarte, College of the Holy Cross

PANEL 3.3 Afectos, espectros y terror: memorias del pasado dictatorial en Chile y
Chair: Elizabeth Rivero, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Uruguay – Hogan Center 410

  • Memoria y afectos en La verdad soterrada (2009)
    Elizabeth Rivero, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
  • Memory and Haunting in Nona Fernández’s La dimensión desconocida
    Elizabeth Osborne, Worcester State University
  • Sexo, terror y memoria en Trauma
    Aidali Aponte-Aviles, Trinity College

PANEL 3.4 Resilience, Justice, and Message: Art and Transformation in Latin America
Chair: Scott Weintraub, University of New Hampshire
Hogan Center Suite B – 4th Floor

  • Keeping It Real: Conscious Rap in Latin America Today
    Alexander Waid, US Coast Guard Academy
  • The Maré de Dentro Photo Exhibit: Unpacking the Power of Visual Representation
    Peter Klein, Bard College
  • The Art of Elizabeth Catlett
    Meredith Fluke, College of the Holy Cross

4:15 – 5:15
The Art of Elizabeth Catlett at the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery & Cocktail Hour
Entrance to Cantor Gallery at Fenwick Building, 1st Floor

In 1946 Catlett […] traveled to Mexico City to see the murals and graphic art that was
produced following the Mexican Revolution. There she began working with the taller de Gráfica
Popular, an artist collective well-known for their social and political prints.

2019 - Globalization, In/Security & Displacement

November 2, 2019

United States Coast Guard Academy, 31 Mohegan Ave. (Rt. 32), New London, CT.

8:00 a.m.
Observe Colors.
If you are on campus by 7:55 a.m. go to Hamilton Hall, building #35
facing the parade field to get organized on the stairs. At 0800, colors will sound, the cannon will
go off, and music will play as cadets raise the flag. It would be a unique way to start the morning
for those who haven’t been on board the Coast Guard Academy! If you are walking, stop and
look toward the flag; if driving, stop the car.


8:00-9:00 a.m.
Registration, Coffee + Breakfast Pastry
Consolidated Club, Yeaton Hall, building #14 on USCGA map (main entrance accessed from East)
**For all the sessions, swing space is available in McAllister Auditorium (75 lower, and 75
upper capacity). If you need more space for your session, please move to the Auditorium.

9-10:40 a.m.
McAllister Hall, building #13.

1) PANEL: Academic Production; The Effects of In/Security on the Written Word, McAllister 101
Chair, Julia Kushigian, Connecticut College

  • Julia Kushigian, “The Instability of the 21st Century Female Protagonist,” Connecticut College
  • Ericka LaGrange/ Marcus Vinicius Pinto Pereira “For Those Displaced by Climate Change: Where is the End of the Road?” Connecticut College
  • Joyce Bennett, “Community Engaged Learning in Time of Insecurity: Migration, Advocacy and the Production of Knowledge,” Connecticut College
  • Abigail Adams, “A Book and A Border Wall: ‘Desert’ Writing and Organizing in the Trump Era,” Central Connecticut State University

2) PANEL: Espacios de (in)justicia e inequidad madioambiental a traves del cine documental y la literatura latinoamericana, McAllister 224
Chair, Lucia Montás, University of New Hampshire

  • Lucia Montás, “Ciudad contaminada: Santo Domingo y el desecho social en la novela Cóctel con frenesí,” University of New Hampshire
  • Mauricio Pulecio, “Mujeres transgénero en espacios contaminados,” University of New Hampshire
  • Azucena Castro, “Geografías tóxicas/Cuerpos infectos- Medioambiente y cine documental,” University of Stockholm

3) PANEL: Screening the Past Through the Present and the Present Through the Past, McAllister 122
Chair, Cynthia Stone, College of the Holy Cross

  • Estrella Cibreiro Couce, Bridging Past and Present in Icíar Bollaíns También la Lluvia,” College of the Holy Cross
  • Ernest Rafael Hartwell, Reimagining Philippine History in Raya Martin’s Cinema,” College of the Holy Cross
  • Cynthia L. Stone, “The Anti-Malinche: Juan Mora Catlett's Eréndira Ikikunari,” College of the Holy Cross

4) PANEL: Global Demands, Local Displacements and Territorial Responses: imagining Environmental justices in Latin America I, McAllister 210
Chair, Denise Humphreys Bebbington

  • Denise Humphreys Bebbington, “Infrastructure Development, Resource Extraction and Threats to Forest Community Rights in Mexico,” Clark University
  • Karen Hudlet Vázquez, “New Energy Transitions, Same Old Conflicts? Renewable Energy Projects in Yucatán, Mexico,” Clark University
  • María José Guillén Araya, “Caught Between the State and Agribusiness Companies: Land Struggles and the Conflictive production of Peasant Landscapes in Costa Rica,” University of Costa Rica/Clark University
  • Laura A. Sauls, “Examining the Socio-environmental Impacts of Extractivist Policy in Central America,” College of the Holy Cross

5) PANEL: Latinx, McAllister 227
Chair, Mónika López Anuarbe, Connecticut College

  • Mónika López Anuarbe; Priya Kohli “Understanding the emotional, financial, and physical burden of Hispanic caregivers in the United States; Connecticut College
  • Maude Havenne “The right to remain silent From Bencastro’s Odisea del Norte to the Salvadorian community in Washington D.C.,” Georgetown University
  • Francisco Concepción “Hamilton save us. Puerto Rico's Colonization by the Diaspora after María,” Interamerican University
  • Mary Kate Cowher, “Puerto Rican National Identity in the 20 th Century” Penn State U, Harrisburg

6) PANEL: Beyond Recollection: Exploring Memory Work in 21st Century Guatemala, McAllister 226
Chair, Betsy Konefal, College of William and Mary

  • Betsy Konefal, “History as Possibility in Moments of Rupture: Youth Activism and Memories of Resistance in 21st -century Guatemala,” College of William and Mary
  • Thomas Birchall, “Transmitting Traumatic Memory Through Performance,” College of William and Mary
  • Johanna Weech, “Guatemala’s National Police Archive and the Politics of Documenting Terror,” College of William and Mary
  • Silvia Tandeciarz, “Beyond Recollection in the Classroom and the Field,” College of William and Mary

10:40-10:55 a.m.
The Consolidated Club, Yeaton Hall, building # 14

11:00 a.m. -12:40 p.m.
McAllister Hall, building #13

1) PANEL: Global Demands, Local Displacements and Territorial Responses: imagining Environmental justices in Latin America II, McAllister 103
Chair, Anthony Bebbington, Clark University

  • Andrea Cabrera Roa “Global Demands and Initial-Contact Indigenous Peoples in Peru: Obstacles to Territorial Protection,” Ministry of Culture, Peru/Clark University
  • Pilar Delpino Marimon “Informal Creativity: Rural Territorial Coalitions as a Strategy from Cross-Border Governance,” Clark University
  • Scott Odell “Hydrosocial Flow: Comparing Community Relations Over Water Between Public and Private Mining Companies,” Clark University
  • Peter Klein, “Movement Strategies in Changing Times: Political Opportunity and the Movimento dos Atingidos das Barragens in Brazil,” Bard College

2) PANEL: Migration I, McAllister 101
Chair, Lisa Maya Knauer, UMASS, Dartmouth

  • Megan Fountain “Building Post-War Lives in Guatemalan Connecticut,” UCONN
  • Esteban Loustaunau “Documenting Migrant Life in Luis Argueta’s The U Turn,” Assumption College
  • Lisa Maya Knauer “Reproducing Gendered Vulnerabilities: From Sexual Violence in Guatemala to Sexual Harassment in U.S. Workplaces,” UMASS, Dartmouth
  • Isabel Gómez, “Migration, Refuge and Language Justice: Translation Studies for a Global Curriculum,” UMASS, Boston

3) PANEL: Fragile States I, McAllister 210
Chair, Daniel Chávez, University of New Hampshire

  • Daniel Chávez “Gaming the Failed State, Videogame Visions of Latin America as a Security Threat and the Fragility State Index,” University of New Hampshire
  • Christine Westphal “Impacts of Chinese Investment in Latin America,” USCGA
  • Patricia Olney “Democratic Transitions and the Erosion of Sovereignty: The Significance of Yucatecan Stability and Michoacán State Failure in Mexico,” Southern Connecticut State University

4) PANEL: Representation and the Insecurity of Language I, McAllister 227
Chair, Ignacio López-Vicuña, University of Vermont

  • Ignacio López-Vicuña “Neochilenidades: Redefiniciones del territorio nacional en las obras de Raul Ruiz y Roberto Bolaño,” University of Vermont
  • Juan Manuel Vázquez Montero “Floridiano virreinal.  Reconstruyendo el español de la frontera,” SUNY Albany Ricardo Salazar-Rey “Racializing the Law, Modernizing Slavery in Iberoamerica (1700-1831),” UCONN, Stamford

5) PANEL: Representation and the Insecurity of Language II, McAllister 226
Chair, Scott Weintraub, The University of New Hampshire

  • Luigi Patruno “Villa miseria y plano secuencia en Barrio gris de Mario Soffici,” College of the Holy Cross
  • Antonio Guijarro Donadios, “El teatro post-antropocéntrico de Manuela Infante: Pseudoapocalipsis y polifonía atemporal en Estado vegetal,” Worcester State University
  • Scott Weintraub, “Reading the Disaster in Raúl Zurita’s Poetry,” University of New Hampshire

6) PANEL: Teaching Future Border Enforcers to Redraw Past Borders, McAllister 122
Chair, Elizabeth Rivero, USCGA

  • Elizabeth Rivero, “Latin America in Context: Identity and Borders in the CGA Latin American Culture Courses,” USCGA
  • José González, “Borders, Metaphors and Empathy Among the Ranks: Latino Literature at a Service Academy,” USCGA
  • Alexander Waid, “When Mainstreaming Becomes a Torrent: Amplifying ‘Othered Voices’ in the Language; Culture Classroom with Socially Conscious Music Videos,” USCGA
  • Morgan Maccione/Amanda Ennis “What the Concepts of Home and Nation Tell Us About Internal and External Displacements: A View from a CC Environmental Justice Course,” Connecticut College

7) PANEL: Stage, Border, Cell: Homes Displaced in the Territory of Language, McAllister 224
Chair, Alba Aragón, Bridgewater State University

  • Alba Aragón, “Childhood as Eroded Fiction: Juan Pablo Villalobos Yo tuve un sueño (2019) and Valeria Luiselli’s Los niños perdidos (2014),” Bridgewater State University
  • Colleen Rua, “Coming Home: Latinx Figures in American Musical Theatre,” Bridgewater State University
  • Mónica Simal, “Los documentados de Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro o el arte de traspasar los límites de la literatura para documentar el drama humano,” Providence College

12:40-2:15 p.m.
The Consolidated Club Building #14 Yeaton Hall,
Welcoming remarks: Rear Admiral William G. Kelly, USCGA
President Julia A. Kushigian, Connecticut College

2:20-3:50 p.m.
Vice President Scott Weintraub, University of New Hampshire
McAllister Hall, building #13

1) PANEL: Migration II, McAllister 103
Chair, Autumn Quezada-Grant, Roger Williams University

  • Gabriela Ramalho Tafoya “Contentious Welfare: Brazil and Mexico in Comparative Perspective,” UCONN
  • Autumn Quezada-Grant “Storied Stories: Asylum Workers” Roger Williams University
  • Jeffrey Pugh “Securitizing Migration through Media Discourses in Ecuador: Narratives Contesting Identity and Power,” UMASS, Boston

2) PANEL: Food, McAllister 101
Chair, Christopher LaMonica, USCGA

  • Cassandra Andrusz- Ho Ching, “Latinx Resistance and Resilience to Food (In) Security,” University at Albany, SUNY
  • Christopher LaMonica/Karina Mrakovcich; “Mapping Fisheries and Maritime Security Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean” USCGA
  • Eric Larson, “The Origins of Food Sovereignty: Mexican Peasant Movements and the Global Politics of Food,” UMASS, Dartmouth

3) PANEL: History, Race; Displacement, McAllister 210
Chair, Leo Garofalo, Connecticut College

  • Leo Garofalo “Black Sailors and Pilots in the Pacific: Afro-Iberians and Afro-Mexicans in the Spanish Conquest and Evangelization of the Philippines, 1565-1585” Connecticut College
  • Sarah Sarzynski “Visible and Invisible Displacements during the Leticia Dispute (1932-34),” Claremont McKenna College
  • Eric Galm “Forgotten Voices: Rediscovering the 1950s Brazilian Folklore Commission in Sao Paulo,” Trinity College

4) PANEL: Politics and Security, McAllister 226
Chair, Grant Burrier, Curry College

  • Grant Burrier “Populists, Tariffs, and Representational Politics: Evidence from Latin America,” Curry College
  • Paul Posner “Reevaluating the Left in Latin America after the Pink Tide,” Clark University
  • William Demarest “Vendedoras and Voters, Consumers and Citizens: Suffrage, Consumption, and Gendered Labor in Medellín,” Stony Brook University
  • Benjamin Junge “Beyond Security, Corruption, and Popular Conservatism: A Conceptual Framework for the Political Affinities of Brazil’s Poor and Working Classes,” SUNY, New Paltz

5) PANEL: Media and the Security of the Word and Image, McAllister 227
Chair, Lori Hopkins, University of New Hampshire

  • Joseph Kealy “Social Media and Humanitarian Aid During Political Crises” USCGA
  • Philip Luke Johnson “The Medium is the Narco-message: Analysis of Criminal Communication in Mexico,” CUNY
  • Lori Hopkins “TED talks, Boundaries and Storytelling: A New Narrative Configuration of National Boundaries,” University of New Hampshire

6) PANEL: Fragile States II, McAllister 224
Chair: Gabriela Torres, Wheaton College

  • Lorena Cruz, “A Bidirectional Ethnographic Project of Reclaimed Childhoods at Casa YMCA, A
    Shelter for Unaccompanied Minors in Tijuana, UC San Diego
  • Christopher Chambers-Ju, “How Organizational Structures Shape Political Mobilization: Teachers Unions in Argentina and Mexico,” College of the Holy Cross
  • Lt. Norberto Pérez, “Venezuela’s Descent: Analyzing the Plummet from Affluence to Crumbling
    Infrastructure,” USCGA

4:00-5:30 p.m.
Reception + Poetry Reading by USCGA Professor, José González From Los Olvidados to My Family/My Family: A Scene Screening and Poetry Reading
The Consolidated Club, building #14 Yeaton Hall.

Books by NECLAS authors will be displayed throughout the day but will not be available for
sale on the USCGA grounds. Authors may arrange for future sales or adjourn to the campus of
co-host Connecticut College (across the street) for transactions.

2018 - Crises as Catalysts

New England Council of Latin American Studies Annual Meeting
Bringing Latin American and Latinx Experience to Bear on Crises and Crisis Responses


PANEL 1.2 – Pedagogies of the Resistance and Resilience
Chair: Cynthia Stone, College of the Holy Cross
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 101

  • Why are they killing the teachers? An educational crisis in Colombia
    Wilson Garcia, Plymouth State University
  • Education and Cultural Survival in Comparative Context: Language Politics In Mexico and the United States
    Mneesha Gellman, Emerson College
  • Education as A Means for Liberation: A Feminist Pedagogical Approach for the Classroom on the U.S.-Mexico Border
    Marianthy Posadas-Nava, Gordon College
  • Documenting Resilience in the Periphery: Three Generations of Andean Women in Peru
    Laura Valdiviezo, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

PANEL 1.3 – Puerto Rican and Latinx Crises of Identity and Representation
Chair: Juan Pablo Rivera, Clark University
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 102

  • “Primera escritora de ciencia ficción en Puerto Rico: Gretchen López, rescritura del cuerpo, maternidad y la
    ciencia ficción en Otsokumi”
    Angel Rivera, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Piri Thomas’s Down These Mean Streets: Self-Discovery at the Intersection of Race and Gender
    Marissa Ambio, Hamilton College

PANEL 1.4 – Dictatorship, Memory and Oblivion: Southern Cone Art
Chair: Elizabeth Rivero, U.S Coast Guard Academy
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 104

  • “Quisiera cortar el nudo”: Crisis de identidad y violencia en Los siameses de Griselda Gambaro.
    Antonio Guijarro-Donadios, Worcester State University
  • Memoria, ruptura democrática y experiencia carcelaria: El Almanaque de José Pedro Charlo
    Elizabeth Rivero, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
  • Rupturas colectivas en los espacios públicos argentinos: El arte de GAC y ABC
    Bridget Franco, College of the Holy Cross
  • Del olvido al simulacro: E-Dem
    Aidalí Aponte-Avilés, Trinity College

PANEL 1.5 – Archives of the Counter Culture
Chair: Patricio Orellana, New York University
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 106

  • Images in Movement(s): Marie Bardet
    Lourdes Davila, New York University
  • Morning, Photography, and Space of Appearance during the Peronist Years
    Luigi Patruno, Trinity College
  • Experimental politics: 1968 and the NY Latinx Underground
    Julio Ramos, Latin American cultural studies
  • Youth and Heterochrony in Oscar Bony’s Experimental Films
    Patricio Orellana, New York University

PANEL 1.6 – Regimes of Illegality, Family Crises, and Care Responses
Chair: Lynnette Arnold, Brown University
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 204
Discussant: Jessaca Leinaweaver, Brown University

  • Transforming the Border, Transformation the Migrant. How Biometrics and the Ubiquitous Borderization of the Imagination Enabled our Border Crisis
    Maria Alessandra Woolson, University of Vermont
  • Communicative Care: Managing Family Health Crises across Borders through Transnational Talk
    Lynnette Arnold, Brown University
  • Educated for Crisis: Educational Attainment as Care in the American Deportation Regime
    Andrea Flores, Brown University
  • Going Back “Home”: Return Migrants and their Children Negotiate Displacement in an Unfamiliar Mexico
    Almita Miranda, Brown University

PANEL 1.7 – The Puzzles of Populism in Latin America – Concepts, Ideologies, Practices
Chair: Kenneth Erickson ,Hunter College, CUNY
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 206

  • From the Pink Tide to the Peril of Populism: Right-Wing Resurgence in Latin America
    Taylor Doherty, University of Massachusetts, Boston
  • Reexamining the Left in Latin America
    Paul Posner, Clark University

Tilton Hall

Session Two: 11:00-12:40pm

PANEL 2 .1 Puerto Rico after Maria: Crisis & Consequences
Chair: Maria Acosta Cruz , Clark University
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 001

  • Building Power with Love: Puerto Rican’s Decolonial Attitudes Toward Post-María Emergency
    Luis Beltrán-Álvarez, University of Connecticut, Storrs
  • Colonialism and recovery after Maria in Puerto Rico
    Francisco Concepción, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico
  • Colonial Disaster: Catastrophe as Imperial Discourse in Puerto Rico
    Felix Padilla Carbonell, University of Connecticut
  • Crises and Coloniality in Puerto Rico
    John Waldron, University of Vermont

PANEL 2.2 Women’s Movements and Feminisms in Latin America
Chair: M. Gabriela Torres, Wheaton College
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 101
Discussant: Erin O’Connor, Bridgewater State University

  • Different Worldviews on an Appropriate Response to the Adolescent Pregnancy Crisis in Nicaragua
    Michelle San Pedro, University of Connecticut
  • Challenging Authoritarian Rule and New Avenues of Queer Women’s Political Participation in Guatemala
    M. Gabriela Torres, Wheaton College
  • Feminist Theory practiced and reworked on Latin American grounds: A case study of Latin American women entrepreneurs contesting gender inequality while pursuing their businesses
    Maria Emilia Bianco, Boston College
  • At Home in Politics? Ecuadorian Feminisms, ca. 1910-1950


PANEL 2.3 Left vs Right or Old vs New? Brazil’s Politics and Institutional Crisis.
Chair: Kenneth Erickson, Hunter College, CUNY
Jonas Clark Hall– Room #102

  • A coup d’état or a lawful democratic move: interpretations on the 2016 Brazilian President Rousseff’s Impeachment
    Gabriel Eidelwein Silveira, Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Can Brazil leave behind the “Velha Politica”?
    Maria Rodrigues, College of the Holy Cross
  • Whither Brazilian Democracy? Corruption and Democratic Consolidation in Brazil
    Andrea Duarte, Tufts University
  • Brazil’s 2018 elections
    Kirck Buckman, Stonehill College

PANEL 2.4 Literary and Visual Responses to Crisis in the Southern Cone
Chair: Sandra Paola Cadena Pardo, Holy Cross
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 104

  • Microcosmos del macrocosmo: ambigüedad e historia en los micro-relatos de Esther Andradi
    Gina Canepa, National Coalition of Independent Scholars of America
  • Crisis and Desire in Pedro Mairal’s La uruguaya
    McKew Devitt, University of Vermont
  • Lucía Puenzo, the Humanities, Crisis, The Present, and its Discontents
    Lori Hopkins, University of New Hampshire

PANEL 2.5 Crisis of Care: Female Domestic Labor in Latin American Film
Chair: Elizabeth Osborne, Worcester State University
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 106

  • Maternalism and Mimicry in Filmic Representations of Domestic Labor
    Elizabeth Osborne, Worcester State University
  • The Critique of Invisibility in Alicia Scherson’s Play (2005)
    Susana Domingo Amestoy, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • What Happened to Mom? Family Crisis and Symbolic Meanings of Motherhood in Babel and Cake
    Sofía Ruiz-Alfaro, Franklin & Marshall College
  • Power is, above all, Digested: Affection, Food, and Power in Recent Latin American Films on Domestic Work
    Karina Vazquez, University of Richmond

PANEL 2.6 Mexico, Society & Media Cultures
Chair: Jorge Santos, Holy Cross
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 204

  • “De Que Te Escondes?”: Logan’s Undocumented Agency
    Jorge Santos, College of the Holy Cross
  • Desmantelando el discurso hegemónico y la representación política de la clase popular interpretado por el programa de televisión mexicano El Chavo del 8
    Poliana Alarcon, Worcester State University
  • The Fall of Virtuous Men and the Crisis of Values in Mexican Film Noir 1952-1959
    DanielChavez, University of New Hampshire

PANEL 2.7 Strategies for Crisis Management in Colombia
Chair: Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Clark University
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 206

  • Religion and Politics: U.S influence in Colombia’s political crisis, 1880-1886.
    Luisa Arrieta, University of Connecticut
  • Market Anxieties: The Plaza Mercado and Urbanization in Medellín, Colombia, 1942-1959
    William Demarest, Stony Brook University

Lunch & Prize Ceremony 
Tillton Hall
Welcoming Remarks on behalf of Clark University Professor Yuko Aoyama,
Associate Provost and Dean of Research
Announcements from NECLAS President

Prize Ceremony
Welcome from the Dean of The College of Holy Cross:
The College of the Holy Cross is proud to co-sponsor the 2018 Annual Meeting of the New England Council of Latin American Studies. The central theme of this year’s meeting, “Crises as Catalyst,” is a timely and significant one for our moment and our world, and the multidisciplinary approaches that NECLAS embraces will
allow for expansive and creative consideration of a range of crises and responses to them. Whether and how
a crisis becomes a catalyst for positive change—in practices of scholarship or in furthering social or environmental justice—are vitally important questions. We hope that your discussions at the annual meeting inspire
further work and further action. Welcome to Worcester, and best wishes for a rewarding meeting.
—Mary Ebbott, Dean of the Faculty, College of the Holy Cross

Coffee Break 
Tilton Hall

Session Three: 2:20 – 3:50pm

PANEL 3.1 – Cultural, Activist, and Institutional Responses to Crises in Latin American and Latinx Communities
Chair: Julia A. Kushigian, Connecticut College
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 001

  • Dumps, Landfills and Scuba Divers: Cultural Activism Through Fernández Contreras Única
    mirando al mar
    Julia A. Kushigian, Connecticut College
    Daring During a Disastrous Year with the Dreamers and Displaced: Connecticut Higher Ed’s response
    following Hurricane Maria and the ‘end’ of DACA
    Abigail Adams, Central Connecticut State University

PANEL 3.2 Reading the Crisis: Literature and Democracy in Contemporary Transatlantic Literatures and Cultures
Chair: Scott E. Weintraub, University of New Hampshire
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 101
Discussant: Jess Boersma, University of North Carolina Wilmington

  • (Not) Seeing Ashes: Witnessing Atrocity in Raúl Zurita’s Poetry
    Scott E. Weintraub, University of New Hampshire
  • Who by Fire? The Glowing Cinders of Javier Campos’ El Astronauta en Llamas
    Carolina Díaz, University at Albany – State University of New York
  • A Crisis of Surrealism / A Surrealism of Crisis: On Juan Sánchez Peláez
    Michael Leong, University at Albany – State University of New York

PANEL 3.3 — Inequalities, Violence & Otherness in Latin America
Chair: Alvaro Jarrin, College of The Holy Cross
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 102

  • Domestic and Sexual Violence in the Courtroom and Newspapers of El Salvador, 1920s to 1950s
    Aldo Garcia-Guevara, Worcester State University
  • Translating Crisis: Mexican Conceptual Poetry and Radical Listening
    Isabel Gómez, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Reframing the Past, Looking to the Future: Race, Otherness, and the Migrant Experience in La teta asustada
    Tess Renker, Brown University
  • Lynching, Mythical Fears, and Communities in Crisis in Post-Revolutionary Mexico
    Gema Karina Santamaria Balmaceda, Loyola University Chicago

PANEL 3. 4— Crises of Modernity and Power in Mexican Identity and Culture
Chair: TBA
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 104

  • Miracles and Exquisite Corpses: Introjection and the Crises of Modernity in Postrevolutionary Mexico
    Steven Bachelor, Milton Academy
  • Cacalchén, Mexico Revisited: The Impact of 25 Years of Alternation in Power
    Patricia Olney, Southern Connecticut State University
  • Globalization and the development of regional culture in Latin America
    Hong Yin, Chengdu University

PANEL 3. 5 — Decolonial Resistance

Chair: Juan Ramos, College of the Holy Cross
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 106

  • Food Insecurity Post 2008: Latinx Resistance to State Austerity
    Cassie Andrusz, SUNY Albany
  • Decolonial constitutionalism in Latin America
    Tamires Eidelwein, UNILA – Federal University for Latin American Integration (Brazil)
  • The Origins of “Anti-Globalization” in Mexico: Grassroots Globalism and the 2003 World Trade Organization Protests
    Eric Larson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  • When Two Worlds Collide: Responses to an Environmental Crisis in the Peruvian Amazon
    Cinthya Torres, Boston College

PANEL 3. 6 — The Struggle for Latin American & Latinx Identities
Chair: Danilo Contreras, College of the Holy Cross
Jonas Clark Hall – Room # 204

  • Productive Dimensions of Precarity in Marcela Zamora’s film “María en tierra de nadie”
    Esteban Loustaunau, Assumption College
  • School-Family-Community Engagement critical for immigrant adolescent engagement both at school and in host city
    Mary Jo Rendon, Waltham High School
  • “DACA DREAMers’ Lives on Hold”
    Rocío Sánchez Ares Boston College

4:00 — 5:00pm
Sherry Hour 
Beverages and Light Refreshments in Tilton Hall

2017 - A Sustainable Future for Latin America?

New England Council of Latin American Studies Annual Meeting 2017
A Sustainable Future for Latin America?

  • Narco Culture and Sustainability in Recent Mexican Cinema
    John Waldron, University of Vermont
  • The Collapse of Community Policing in Rio de Janeiro
    Stephanie Savell – Brown University

PANEL 1.3 – China in Latin America
Chair: Audrey Hansen, University of Michigan
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room 107

  • Sustainable Development of Rural China under Urbanization Process: Enlightenment of China’s Experience
    on Latin America
    Hong Yin, Cheng Du University
  • The Influence of the Development of New Energy Industry on Sino-Brazilian Trade Relations
    Zhu Zeng
  • The Lure of Chinese State Capitalism in Latin America
    Tom Naris, University at Albany– State University of New York
  • The Image Sketch of Latin American Literature in China
    Luo Jiang, Cheng Du University

PANEL 1.4 – Immigration and Academia: Reaching Out, Through, and Within
Chair: Christina Mehrtens, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room 108

  • Different but Still the Same: Teaching (in) Brazilian Portuguese on the South Coast
    Glaucia Silva, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  • E aí, beleza? O Ensino do Brasil e do ‘brasileiro’ na Luso-América do Norte
    Dario Borim, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  • Immigration: Service-Learning Courses for History Majors
    Christina Mehrtens, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

PANEL 1.5 – Sports, Fitness, Transnationality and Development
Chair: John Chaston, University of New Hampshire
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 124

  • Eugenics Redux: Bodybuilding and Modernity in Contemporary Brazil
    Daniel Silva, Middlebury College
  • Latinos and Language in MLB en Español: Staying Connected through Content, Innovation, and Style
    John Chaston, University of New Hampshire
  • Sports in the Americas: Basketball in Oaxacalifornia
    Bernardo Ríos Skidmore College
  • Baseball Vocabulary in Spanish: A Reflection of the Vitality and Sociality of the Sport Among Latin Americans
    Rob Smead, Brigham Young University

PANEL 1.6 – Women and Sustainability in Latin America
Chair: María Amparo Cruz Saco, Connecticut College
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 126

  • The Normalization of Adolescent Pregnancy in Nicaragua: The Gap Between Misperceptions and Reality
    Michelle San Pedro, University of Connecticut
  • Ya No Somos Las Mismas: Theater as Activism and Praxis for Women’s Empowerment
    Ruth Hernández, University of Connecticut


PANEL 1.7 – Backward Glances at Latin American Literature
Chair: Daniel Chávez, University of New Hampshire
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 332

  • Otra faceta de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
    Pedro Lasarte, Boston University
  • A medio siglo de un clásico: Nuevas lecturas de Cien años de soledad
    Nadia Celis, Bowdoin College
  • Don Quixote and the Puppeteer
    Benjamin Juárez, Boston University


PANEL 1.8 – Memories of Repressive Regimes in Latin America
Chair: Eleanor Harrison-Buck, University of New Hampshire
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room G21

  • Sustainable Memory in Chile’s Post-Dictatorship: Mnemonic Uses of Trash in Fuenzalida by Nona Fernández
    Elizabeth Osborne, Worcester State University
  • Photographs, Photocopies and Photo-Publics: Clandestine Public Spheres and the Challenge to Military Rule in Chile
    Camilo Trumper– University at Buffalo– State University of New York
  • Memory, Reform, and Reputation Amidst Crisis: The Brazilian Armed Forces
    Frank McCann, University of New Hampshire
  • El Salvador 2017: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Peace Accords, 1992-2017
    James Harrington, Nashua Community College

Coffee Break 
Hamilton Smith Ground Floor

Session Two: 11:30-12:55pm

PANEL 2.1 – People Staged, People Deprived: Mass Assemblies and Representations of “El Pueblo” in the Peronist Years
Chair: Luigi Patruno, Harvard University
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 102

  • Where are the People? Aesthetics Transformations and Identity Ambiguities in the Cinema of the Second Peronist Administration (1952-1955)”
    Paula Halperín, Purchase College– State University of New York
  • Ephemeral Venues. Sketches, Drawings, and Watercolors by Jorge Sabaté
    Luigi Patruno, Harvard University
  • El rol del pueblo en la iconografía evitista articulada en el cine argentino de las últimas décadas
    Valeria Ginberg Pla, Bowling Green State University


PANEL 2.2 – New Research on the History of Colombia
Chair: Meri Clark, Western New England University
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 105

  • Abolitionist and Anti-Abolitionist Publics in Gradual Emancipation Colombia
    Yesenia Barragan, Dartmouth College
  • City of Gold: The Ecology of Gold in Northeastern Antioquia, 1850-1880
    Lorena Campuzano Duque, Binghamton University– State University of New York
  • Discussant: Meri Clark, Western New England University

PANEL 2.3 – Political Participation and its Challenges
Chair: Louise Walker, Northeastern University
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 107

  • Latinx and the Future of Whiteness in American Democracy
    Jose Mendoza, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Left, Right, or Undecided? Explaining Electoral Indecision in Latin America
    Matthew Singer, University of Connecticut
  • Political Competition and Benefit Generosity in Latin American Social Policy
    Gabriela Tafoya, University of Connecticut
  • Buen Vivir and Twenty First Century Socialism: Comparative Analysis of Participatory Democracy in Ecuador and Venezuela
    Paul Posner, Clark University

PANEL 2.4 -Southern Cone Literature and Film: Approaches to Sustainability and Decoloniality
Chair: Ignacio López-Vicuña, University of Vermont
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 108

  • Postcolonial Irony as a Strategy in Raúl Ruiz’s ‘On Top of the Whale’
    Ignacio López-Vicuña , University of Vermont
  • Sustainability as an Underlying Realm in Francisco Coloane’s Narrative
    Gina Canepa, National Coalition of Independent Scholars
  • Justicia medioambiental/ Justicia social: Úselo y tírelo de Eduardo Galeano
    Elizabeth Rivero
  • Discussant: María Alessandra Woolson, University of Vermont

PANEL 2.5— Sustaining Anti-Colonial Struggles
Chair: Jorell Meléndez-Badillo, University of Connecticut
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room 124

  • Development, Governmentality, and Coloniality: 21st Century Development in Guatemala
    Eric Sippert, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Universidad Interamericana Recinto de Barranquitas fconcep la lucha anti-colonial y la creación de un futuro sustentable en Puerto Rico
    Francisco Concepcion, Universidad Interamencana de Puerto Rico, Barranquitas
  • The Lettered Barriada: Puerto Rican Workers and their Production of Knowledge, 1897-1915
    Jorell Meléndez-Badillo, University of Connecticut
  • From Island to City to Space: Boricua Superheroes
    Aidali Aponte-Aviles, Trinity College

PANEL 2.6— Development Banks and Sustainable Development in Latin America
Chair: Rebecca Ray, Boston University
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room 126

  • Development Banks and Sustainable Development in Latin America
    Kevin Gallagher, Boston University
  • Development Banks and Indigenous Organizations in Brazil
    Julie Klinger, Boston University
  • Development Banks’ Use of Environmental and Social Safeguards in Andean Amazon
    Rebecca Ray, Boston University

PANEL 2.7— Science and Humanities: Telling the Story of Betrayal
Chair: Joshua M. Rosenthal, Western Connecticut State University
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room 332

  • Luisa Puenzo and the Betrayal of Sciences
    Lori Hopkins, University of New Hampshire
  • Film of the People, By the People: The Disruptive Subjectivity of Documentary Film
    Audrey Hansen, University of Michigan
  • Billingual Quechua Rap as a Performance: A Strategic Reimagining of ‘Public’ Space
    Tess Renker, Brown University

PANEL 2.8 — Sustainability in Marginalized Identities
Chair: Holly Cashman, University of New Hampshire
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room G21

  • Sustainability, No Future, and Queer Spanish in the US
    Holly Cashman, University of New Hampshire
  • Sustainably Queer? The Market Politics of Pedro Mardones Lemebel
    Jane De León Griffin, Bentley University
  • Globalización y latinidad extras, de Sabina Berman
    Antonio Guijarro-Donadiós, Worcester State University

PANEL 2.9 — Sustainability in Teaching, Research and the Liberal Arts
Chair: Julia Kushigian, Connecticut College
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room G35

  • The Science and Politics of Sustainability in Latin American and Latino Literature
    Julia Kushigian, Connecticut College
  • Community Partnerships, Research, and Sustainability: Addressing Long and Short Term Challenges to Working in Migrant Communities with Undergraduate Students
    Joyce Bennett, University of Connecticut
  • The Chiapas Project: Challenges in Preparing and Involving Students, Faculty, and Community Staff with Community Partners
    Leo Garofalo, University of Connecticut
  • Sustainability in Teaching Locally and Globally
    Abigail Adams, Central Connecticut State University

Lunch & Prize Ceremony
Huddleston Ballroom
Remarks by Dr. Tom Kelly, Chief Sustainability Officer at the University of New Hampshire

Coffee Break 
Ground floor of Hamilton Smith Hall

Session Three: 2:45 – 4:15pm

PANEL 3.1 – The Brazilian State and the Challenges of (Sustainable) Development
Chair: Maria Rodrigues, College of the Holy Cross
Hamilton-Smith Hall Room 102

  • Sustainable Development for Whom? Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam and the Struggle for Justice
    Peter Klein, Bard College
  • Environmental Sustainability, the Development State, and Hydro-Power Politics in Brazil and India
    Grant Burrier, Curry College
  • Whither Brazilian Democracy? Corruption and Democratic Accountability in Brazil
    Kirk Buckman, Stonehill College

PANEL 3.2 – New Research on the History of Colombia II
Chair: Joshua Rosenthal, Western Connecticut State University
Hamilton-Smith Hall– Room 107

Agricultural Schools and Rural Development in Colombia: Historical Perspectives on Sustainability,
Development, and Conflict Resolution
Timothy Lorek, Yale University
One-Peso Bread, Middle-Class Bakers, and the Meaning of Public Service in Colombia, 1960-1962
Rebecca Tally, LaGuardia Community College
The Roots of an Illicit Peasant Crop: Coca in Meta (Colombia) 1950-1990
María Clara Torres, Wheaton College


PANEL 3.3 – Contentious Politics and Expert Knowledges in Latin American Cities During the Cold War
Chair: Mark Healey, University of Connecticut
Hamilton Smith Hall– Room 108

The Impact of the United States on Urban Projects in the Cold War Northeast Brazil
Yuri Gama, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Revolutionary Architects: Urban Planning and Property in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1930s-1960s
Sarah Hines, University of Maine at Machias
Bankers, Architects, and Villeros: Development Encounters in the ‘Slums’ of Buenos Aires, 1964-1973
Leandro Benmergui, Purchase College– State University of New York
The Shelter of Expertise: Social Science and State Building at Colombia’s International Housing Lab,
Mark Healey, University of Connecticut

PANEL 3.4 – Socio-Economic Effects of Immigration on Families as Evidenced in Latin American Film
Chair: Joy Renjilian-Burgy, Wellesley College
Hamilton Smith— Room 124

Evidence from Colombia
Pat Pogal, Morehouse College
Evidence from Mexico
Mary-Anne Vetterling, Regis College
Evidence from Honduras
Joy Renjilian-Burgy, Wellesley College

PANEL 3.5 – Globalization and Sustainable Development: Past, Present, and Future
Chair: Jorge Abril Sánchez, University of New Hampshire
Hamilton Smith Hall—Room 126

  • The Quest for Sustainable Development and the Politics of Global Value Chains: Why is Argentina Lagging Behind?
    Roberto Genovés, Yeshiva University
  • Sustainable Wine Tourism Development in Mendoza, Argentina: A Proposal for the Marketing of ‘Wine Heritage Trails’ in the Malbec Landscape
    Emiliano Villanueva, Eastern Connecticut State
  • Watering an Empire, Drowning a Revolution: The California Borderlands, 1880-1920
    Hillar Schwertner, Georgetown University
  • The Horse of Warfare in Pedro Menéndez de Avilés’s Conquest of Florida: A Sustainable Environment for an Extinct American Species
    Jorge Abril Sánchez, University of New Hampshire

PANEL 3.6- Issues in Indigenous Linguistic Preservation and Sustainability: Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala
Chair: María Gabriela Torres, Wheaton College
Hamilton-Smith Room– 332

  • Ethno-education in Colombia: An Approach for Cultural Heritage Sustainability
    Wilson García, Plymouth State University
  • La gestión: Hidden Transcripts in the Public Acts of Indigenous Migrant Resistance
    Marcos López, Bowdoin College
  • Searching for the Zapatistas
    Jennifer Smith, University of New Brunswick

PANEL 3.7 – Translating Between Word and Image
Chair: Cynthia Stone, College of the Holy Cross
Hamilton Smith Hall Room— G21

  • Literary Translation and Sustainable Cultural Labor: Disrupting World Literature Norms through Reciprocity and Gift Exchange
    Isabel Gómez, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Heroes in Sepia, Biography and the Sentimental Comic of the 1960s in Mexico
    Daniel Chávez, University of New Hampshire
  • Enseñando América
    Fernanda Macchi, McGill University

PANEL 3.8 – Pedagogy of Environmental Ethics
Chair: María Woolson, Middlebury
Hamilton Smith Hall—Room G35

  • Sustainability as a Framework for Scholarship in the Humanities: A Pedagogy of Environmental Ethics
    María Woolson, Middlebury College
  • Promoting and Sustaining Kriol Cultural Heritage in Belize, Central America: Decolonization as Practice in the Collaborative Development of a Public History Museum
    Eleanor Harrison Buck, University of New Hampshire & Sara Clarke-Vivier, Washington College
  • A Modern Parable for Sustainable Practices: Julia Alvarez’s “A Cafecito Story”
    McKew Devitt, University of Vermont

4:15 — 6:00
Sherry Hour 
Beverages and Light Refreshments in the Huddleston Ballroom

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New England Council of Latin American Studies Secretariat
Department of Political Science
Pendleton East Room 249
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

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New England Conference of Latin American Studies.
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