Membership Benefits
Whether you’re a tenure-track faculty member or K-12 teacher, a community organizer or a graduate student, membership in NECLAS offers you the opportunity to network and dialogue with people who share some of your concerns and interests, and get constructive feedback on your scholarship and/or community-based work.
Benefits include admission to our annual online programming, entrance to our in-person events throughout the year, including at regional and major conferences, access to our newsletter, and eligibility for submission to our book and article annual prizes.
Membership in groups like NECLAS allows academics to break out of our narrow disciplinary ruts and explore different perspectives within the field of study.
For Grad Students
Get to know colleagues elsewhere in New England or with degrees from New England universities; professionalization; learn how a professional organization is run and what is required to keep it going; have fun
For Junior Faculty
Meet colleagues elsewhere in the region; share your work; get feedback from supportive local colleagues; demonstrate participation in professional organizations for contract renewal, promotion and tenure; have fun.
For Senior & Emeritus Faculty
Give back to the organization that helped you develop your career; mentor graduate students and young scholars; learn about new directions in scholarship and teaching; meet new people; have fun
For Independent Scholars
meet colleagues elsewhere in the region; share your work; get feedback from supportive local colleagues; demonstrate participation in professional organizations; have fun
For K-12 Teachers
Get to know colleagues at colleagues and universities whose work may enable you to diversify your curriculum; professional development; fun
For Community Organizers
Dialogue with scholars concerned about the same issues that are of concern to you.
Past Conferences
About Us

New England Council of Latin American Studies Secretariat
Department of Political Science
Pendleton East Room 249
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Copyright © 2022
New England Conference of Latin American Studies.
All rights reserved.