

  • Marysa Navarro Book Prize

  • Joseph T. Criscenti Best Article Prize

  • Best Dissertation Prize

  • Best Digital Scholarship/Pedagogy Project (alternating every two years) – 2023

  • Best Translation Prize (alternating every two years) – 2024

  • D. Scott Palmer Best Edited Book Prize (alternating every two years) – 2024

  • Best Multimedia Prize(alternating every two years) – 2023

Submission Guidelines

The submission deadline has been extended to Monday, July 1, 2024 

The NECLAS 2024 prize committee is currently accepting submissions for: 

Marysa Navaro Best Book and Joseph T. Criscenti Best Article (published in 2023)

Best Dissertation (dissertations defended in 2023)

Best Translation and D. Scott Palmer Best Edited Book (published in 2022-2023)

    Who may submit? 

    • Authors working in or defending their work (for dissertations) at a institutions of
      higher education in New England and NY; OR
    • Authors currently living in the NECLAS area of New England and NY ;
    • AND current members of NECLAS 


    Submit Manuscript

    Marysa Navarro Best Book Prize

    2023 Winners

    Javier Puente, The Rural State: Making Comunidades, Campesinos, and Conflict in Peru’s Central Sierra, University of Texas Press, 2022

    Peter Klein, Flooded:  Development, Democracy and Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam, Rutgers University Press, 2022

    Past Winners

    2022- David Tavárez

    Rethinking Zapotec Time: Cosmology, Ritual, and Resistance in Colonial Mexico, University of Texas Press, 2022.

    2019 – Zeb Tortorici

    Sins Against Nature, Sex and Archive in Colonial New Spain.  Durham NC:
    Duke University Press, 2018.

    2018 – Alvaro Jarrín

    Biopolitics of Beauty Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017.


    Honorable Mentions

    2019 – Barbara Sutton

    Surviving State Terror, Women’s Testimonies of Repression and Resistance in
    Argentina, New York: New York University Press, 2018.

    2018 – Mallory E. Matsumoto

    Land, Politics, and Memory in Five Nija’ib’ K’iche’ Títulos: “The Title and Proof of Our Ancestors” , University Press of Colorado, 2017. 


    About Marysa Navarro-Aranguren

    Marysa Navarro-Aranguren is a Professor Emerita of History and the Charles A. and Elfriede A. Collis Professor Emerita in History at Dartmouth College. She joined the Dartmouth College History Department in 1968 and taught courses on the Spanish Conquest, the History of Brazil, the History of Contemporary Latin America, Slavery, Revolution and Bureaucratic Authoritarianism. She has written and edited several books on Rightwing Thought in Argentina, Eva Perón, Women’s History and Women’s Studies, as well as numerous articles. Since her retirement she has been appointed Resident Scholar at the David Rockefeller Institute for Latin American Studies, Harvard University. Dr. Navarro-Aranguren supported NECLAS in numerous roles for thirty years and most recently was Secretary-Treasurer of NECLAS from 2004- 2013.

    In honor of her efforts, NECLAS now offers the annual Marysa Navarro Best Book Prize.

    Joseph T. Criscenti Best Article Prize

    2023 Winner

    Maria G. Gatti

    “Good Neighbor, Bad Neighbor: Fact and Fiction in an FBI Investigation of Brazilian Literature during World War II,” Hispanic American Historical Review 102, no. 3 (2022): 449-480.

    Past Winners
    2021 – Michelle Farrell, “Disrupting the Algorithm: The Streaming
    Platforms in the Cuban Audiovisual Landscape: El paquete semanal, Netflix, and Mi Mochila.” Cuban Studies (50): 186-204
    2020 – Gema Kloppe-Santamaría: “Lynching and the Politics of State Formation in Post-revolutionary Puebla”

    2019 – Pugh, Jeffrey D. “Negotiating Identity and Belonging Through the Invisibility Bargain:
    Colombian Forced Migrants in Ecuador”. IMR (International Migration Review) Volume 52
    Number 4 (Winter 2018): 978–1010

    2018 – Anne Eller, Yale.”Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile Caribbean.” American Historical Review, 122:3 (June 2017), 653-679.

    About Joseph T. Criscenti

    Joseph T. Criscenti was a history professor at Boston College from 1955 to 1988 and retired professor emeritus of history. He specialized in Argentine history, especially the formation of the Argentine Republic. His article “Argentine Constitutional History, 1810-1852: A Re-examination,” published in the Hispanic American Historical Review, won the James Alexander Robertson Prize of the Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) in 1961. After retirement, Dr. Criscenti remained active and completed thirteen years as a contributing editor of the Handbook of Latin American Studies published by the Library of Congress. Dr. Criscenti was a founder of the New England Council of Latin American Studies, and the Secretary-Treasurer for nearly twenty years.

    In honor of his efforts, NECLAS now offers the annual Joseph T. Criscenti Best Article Prize.

    D. Scott Palmer Best Edited Book Prize

    2022 Winner

    Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas and Mérida M. Rúa. 

    Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies. New York University Press, 2021.

    Past Winners

    2018 – Melvin, Karen and Sylvia Sellers–García. Imagining Histories of Colonial Latin America. Synoptic Methods and Practices. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2017.

    About D. Scott Palmer

    Scott Palmer taught at Bowdoin College before moving to Arlington, Virginia in 1976 to work for the U.S. Department of State at the Foreign Service Institute as Chair of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Associate Dean for Programs of the School of Area Studies. In 1988, he became a professor at Boston University where he served as Chairman of the Political Science Department, Associate Chairman of the Department of International Relations, Director of Latin American Studies, and Co-Director, with his wife, Diane, of Peru Summer programs.

    In honor of his efforts, NECLAS offers the D. Scott Palmer Best Edited Book Prize.

    NECLAS Best Dissertation Prize

    2023 Winner

    Hannah R. Abrahamson

    “Women of the Encomienda: Households and Dependents in Sixteenth-Century Yucatan, Mexico” Ph.D. Dissertation, Emory Univeristy, 2022.

    Past Winners

    2022- Hannah Greenwald

    “Now I Walk on Foreign Soil: Settler Colonialism in Argentina’s Southern Borderlands, 1867-1899”
    Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 2022.

    2021 – Daniel McDonald

    “Peripheral Citizenship: The Popular Politics of Rights, Welfare, and Health in São Paulo, 1964-1990”          Ph.D. Dissertation, Brown University, 2020.

    2019 – Co-Winners –

    Rachel Nolan, “Children for Export”                            Ph.D. Dissertation, NYU, 2018. 

    Santiago Arbeláez Muñoz, “The New Kingdom of Granada”                                                                          Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 2018.

    Best Multimedia Prize

    2023 Winner

    Valeria Meiller

    Ruge El Bosque

    NECLAS Best Translation Prize

    2022 Winner

    Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman

    Marjorie Agosín, Beyond the Time of Words
    Translation of Mas allá del tiempo de las palabras, Sixteen Rivers Press, 2022.

    Honorable Mention

    Terry Ehret, John Johnson, and Nancy J. Morales

    Ulalume González de León, Plagios/Plagiarisms, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2001; A Bilingual Edition
    Translated by Terry Ehret, John Johnson, and Nancy J. Morales. Plagiarisms, Sixteen Rivers Press, 2022.


    Past Conferences







    About Us




    New England Council of Latin American Studies Secretariat
    Department of Political Science
    Pendleton East Room 249
    Wellesley College
    106 Central Street
    Wellesley, MA 02481

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    New England Conference of Latin American Studies.
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